Saturday, June 25, 2011

i think this is the last of it!

One more found piece from the spring of 2010. Please to note that this was not at all representative of the whole week. :) And please to pardon the last three lines. I don't know where they came from or where they're going and it's been too long to change them.

Chicago, 1

What frightens me most about this place
Is the sky. My window is on the second floor;
I am level with the street lights, the
Sodden mud mosaic bricks shifting mirage-like
Through half-blinked blinds. I look down
And out; I am only here for five days.
The curve of the street lights mimics the wings
Of carpetbagger gulls and the humped median,
Arching its back against the sky like the ribs
Of an umbrella. This sky comes down
And eats roofs in the fog; a ladder
Runs into the gray density from one roof,
Forgotten against an AC unit, like a sacrifice.
And will I learn to brace against the damp,
Give it what it wants and still remain?
Can I look you in the face, griffin city?

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